Companies use two types of key generation procedure to guard their digital transactions, ids, documents and other dealings and use this key generation to encrypt and decrypt authenticated data. One is Private-key and other is public-key system, both are different in their ways of working. The Private-key uses the single secret key and on the other hand public-key uses the pair of private and public keys. Secret keys involve DES and AES while Public-keys involve RSA algorithms. XML Signing Server use to provide the simplified key management and key generation system which supports all type of internet browsers and make friendly-user environment for all type of operating systems. XML Signing Sever uses different windows servers for proxy settings as SP1 and SP4, Sp1 is used with the server 2003 while sp4 is used with the server 2000. It also requires the software NET Framework which could either 3.0 or 3.5. This software provides help to send your desired data towards the signing server for applying requests. XML Signing Server offers the protected dealings and signing documents online securely by using XML Signature service.
Online signatures are the right choice to sign your documents digitally by having the surety of not being forged during the process of transferring the data from sender towards the receiver. There are many online signatures but not all signature types are secured enough to tackle the problems of document’s tempering. XML Signature provides the best solution to handle this state of security problems. It works to provide the integrity of massage during the whole phase of massage transfer from encoder towards the decoder. It starts from the creation of message when the sender encrypt a message by using the public key and continuous during the signing and transfer of message towards the receiver where it ends with the decryption of message by using private key. XML signature provides help to sign relevant elements of an xml document which is ready to process. It also offers working in many types of server encoded-data either it is xml-encoded, binary-encoded or character-encoded. While signing the xml documents and preceding the transactions it is necessary to not to forget the validation of these signed documents.
Validation process involves the surety that either the documents were really signed by authenticated resources or not. This process of core validation involves two further procedures to be followed which are Validation of References and the other is Validation of Signature. In this validation procedure companies ensure that the signed data is as same as it was during the encryption and the sources are also legal. All this procedure is important to make the truthful and legal environment of companies over web interfaces. It is a flexible and easy way to ensure the integrity of online business by having the ability to bind keys or sign documents while using many ways of working. In the growing era of working over web interfaces XML Signature is the right choice to minimize the security issues and to tackle the secure signing of online documents over by using protected xml signing server.